Established troupes work together to create comedy without a script. See long-form improv from two different groups who know and love each other and creativity. Who knows what they'll come up with on the spot, but we know it will take all of them working together to do it!
Newly trained and long-time improvisers combine to invent characters and worlds in the moment. It's a showcase show never seen before and never to be seen again. Tickets available here or at the door.
Just because improv is unscripted, doesn’t mean you can’t practice it! We welcome improvisers of all levels to join us weekly to hone their improv skills, learn new ones, and connect with fun folks. An improv jam is an opportunity for anyone to perform and watch scenes. You can have an awesome time while developing...
This improvised comedy show takes inspiration from the awesome things that have happened to anyone that comes to the show. Got a job promotion? Cheers! Landed a new gig? Cheers! Kissed someone? Cheers! Got out of bed? Cheers! We’ll take whatever anyone wants to celebrate and improvise the ever-lovin’ heck out of it. Inspired by...
This fully improvised showcase show will celebrate the hard work our students have put in over 8 weeks of class. Following the students’ set, Anubis Improv faculty will perform.