LET'S PLAYImprov Jams

We welcome improvisers of all levels at our weekly improv jams in New Orleans to hone their skills, learn new ones, and connect with folks.
Improv Jam in New Orleans - improvisers perform a scene together
Improv Jam in New Orleans - improvisers perform a scene together

Just because improv is unscripted doesn’t mean you can’t practice it! Our improv jams in New Orleans are  opportunities for anyone to perform and watch scenes. You can have an awesome time while developing your ability and observing others use theirs. 

Our Improv Jams in New Orleans consist of one-hour sessions on Saturdays from 1 pm to 2 pm at 3400 St. Claude Avenue. All the jams are free, and we encourage registration.

Each participant will share their name, pronouns, and a fast fact about themselves.
We’ll have a quick chat about keeping our content positive and “punching up” with our comedy, and ask if anyone has any content or personal boundaries.
We’ll do two warm-ups – one for energy and one for scenes.
Then, we’ll do scenes for each other. If the group is large, we’ll split into two teams so everyone gets a good chance for scene reps.

As part of our mission, Big Couch NOLA wishes to build a collaborative foundation upon which people can create. Collaboration flows from shared values, ground rules, good will, and transparency. To that end, we expect to conduct ourselves by and have performers and workshop participants adhere to Community Standards available here, which we believe represent positivity, common sense, empathy, and acceptance.

Improv Jam in New Orleans - improvisers perform a scene together
Improv Jams in New Orleans presented by Big Couch - three improvisers perform a scene inside
Improv Jams in New Orleans presented by Big Couch - improvisers perform a scene inside
Improv Jams in New Orleans presented by Big Couch - three improvisers perform a scene inside
Improv Jams in New Orleans presented by Big Couch - improvisers perform a scene outside
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