Scott Anderson
Co-Founder / Co-Owner
Brief info
Scott Anderson, or “Scoot” as he is called by his friends, is originally from Jackson, MS but has lived in New Orleans since 2013. He grew up falling asleep to the sounds of his parents’ bluegrass band rehearsing into the night. Even though he fought it for 18 years, he eventually realized that he had to learn to play guitar or be ostracized by his family. He went on to receive a degree in classical guitar while also studying jazz, funk, rock, and bluegrass. Music is his heart, comedy is his mind, but his MBA from the University of New Orleans pays the bills. When he is not working as a software engineer, Scott teaches, coaches, and performs improv comedy and is a volunteer performer for Funny Bones Improv. He is the co-founder and co-owner of Big Couch, where writes improv course curriculum and oversees the venue's technical operations.